Yoga for a Healthy Back Workshop

Back pain is an enormous problem for so many people. With so much time spent at our computers, our desks, in our cars, and at other sedentary activities, our spines often do not get the movement needed to stay supple and pain-free. For others, back pain can be the result of physical labor, especially when it involves repetitive motions. The healthcare community generally recommends four types of primary movements to keep the back healthy – back flexion, back extension, hip circles, and lateral flexion of the spine. In Samdhaana Yoga®, we add a 5th primary movement, gentle twists.
The good news is that doing these 5 primary movements on a daily basis can go a long way toward helping to alleviate or prevent back pain for many people.
Of course, if you have any existing back issues, we suggest you check with your healthcare provider before participating in these videos. Disclaimer: The information shared in these workshops is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.
A one year subscription to this invaluable workshop is just $35.00.
How to Use these Videos
Getting Started Toward a Healthy Back: The first 5 videos shown below offer short routines that incorporate the 5 primary movements needed to keep the spine healthy (in Samdhaana Yoga, we call this "Attending the Spine"). Each video shows how to take these movements from a different positions such as standing, seated in a chair, or reclined on the floor. Please use whichever videos work best for you.
Easy Healthy Back Routines: The next 5 videos combine movements taken from a variety of different positions, and add a few additional poses for the back.
Detailed Explanations of the 5 Primary Movements of the Spine: These videos explain and demonstrate the 5 primary movements needed to keep the spine healthy in much greater detail, as well as showing how to approach them from different positions such as standing, seated in a chair, or seated on the floor. These are not designed as routines for you to practice, but rather as a more detailed guide to taking the movements shown in our other videos.
Finally, if you have no serious back issues and enjoy more movement, you might like to try some of our full yoga classes, all of which begin with these “Attending the Spine” movements. A monthly subscription to our online classes is just $19.95 and you may cancel anytime.